Once you're done recording, Rapidemo will show your project in the editor. Here you can tweak automatically created animations, create new ones and customize the look of your video. Rapidemo will save your project automatically, ready for you to revisit it later.

Timeline editor
You can edit video segments, zoom effects, clicks and subtitles (once generated) on the timeline. Scrub through the timeline by dragging the cursor or by clicking on the time scale at the top of the timeline.
You can scroll the timeline horizontally with the scrollbar at the bottom, or by holding Shift while scrolling.
Preview playback controls
Use the buttons below the preview to Play , Pause , Stop and Mute the video preview. Disabling audio here doesn't affect the export, it just mutes the preview.

Toggle aspect ratios
To preview how your video looks with different aspect ratios, just select the desired format at any point. The preview will update and the size of the screen and webcam recordings, as well as zoom effects will adjust automatically without changing your project.
Rename project
To recognize your project more easily you can change the project title with the button in the title bar.
The project title is only used in the Recent projects section that is shown when Rapidemo starts.